YSE1100 Controller

This controller has been designed to replace digital controls on Pines CNC Tube bending machines.  The system is also capable of being installed on a range of early and late model three axis automatic bending machines.  Contact us for evaluation and capability.  

The YSE1100 is based on a concept of a touch screen PC linked to a small, fast, real time controller that improves machine process timing over long production runs by decreasing turnaround errors.    
YSE1100’s features. :

  • Console Switches (11)  oil and watertight, Industrial quality control switches;
  • Machine Inputs to the YSE controller are; bend arm returned, pressure die open, hydraulics on, oil filter alarm, carriage reference, carriage limit, mandrel advanced, mandrel retracted, bend die aligned, safety mat, carriage (DBB) encoder, collet (POB) encoder, bend arm (DOB) encoder, and RS485 communications


  • Outputs from the machine controller are a fail safe relay and 2, solid state relay boards
  • Automatic control functions.  Solid State Relay Board assemblies contain 16, readily available Grayhill 70G-OAC5 relays with integral fuses and LED “on” function. 


  • Enable the following functions: hydraulics enabled, bend forward, bend reverse, clamp in, clamp out, pressure die in, pressure die out, boost forward, boost return, warm up, pressure die set pressure, collet open, collet close, collet CCW, collet CW, carriage forward, carriage reverse, YBC fast, anti surge, pressure on, bend die align, machine lube, mandrel forward, mandrel return, and up to 12 additional functions.
  • Machine Manual Operating buttons:

Pressure On - forces two hand manual operation
YBC Fast – speeds up manual operation
Close collet - manual operation of the tube grip collet.
Open collet – opens tube grip collet
Emergency Stop – Safety shutdown.  Provides redundant shutdown of Hydraulic pumps, valves, servos and control functions. 
Start - (left and right) Starts an automatic or single step bending program
Stop - aborts any currently active operation
Hold - pauses any currently active operation - initiates hold mode
Motor On -starts the hydraulic pump
Load for sending all mechanisms to their starting location for bending a new part
Foot Switch and remote start capability.



YSE1100 System

Installation service and training (4 – 5 days)

Complete machine rewiring 

Industrial encoders, oil tight, each (three required)

Benderlink for YSE1100, CMM interface

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